I have read for hours about the 80/20 and so on wherever the links directed me to nonstop. I have learned a lot, but I feel there is one key information missing about me. I don’t know what my passion is, I want to do anything that will make me a millionaire (don’t really know if that’s a passion or if I have to be more specific). I believe if I can find that missing key I can put 20% focus that will result in my 80% outcome, that’s why I am seeking your help.  



Great question!

I do not have the time right now to fully answer this question, as it has more to it than it might appear to.  So here are a few quick comments, to be supplemented later when I can give an answer that is deserving of the importance of the question.

What is in "the 20%"?

Of course, we need to figure out what is in the "vital 20% that produces more of our desired results.  But what are those results we desire? 

Ultimately we desire that which gives us particular feelings.  We get those feelings, of course, from whatever it is that creates those feelings.  While the thing we truly value is the feelings, what precedes those is generally what we consider to be our "values" (what we value).   Certain things have ongoing value, the experience of which can be repeated so that we feel good many times from one thing over and over - like a fine object of beauty.  Certain things have very little value to us when we arrive at them - the classic example is always in not feeling so great when we have accomplished a goal.  The other classical ones are where we predict great consequences from actions (or unduly fear and misestimate bad consequences and their affect on our lives).  

Before we approach this, I would like to have you read a few pieces so that you can clarify what actually has the consequences that you want.   Read The Happiness Creators.

Life is about...

Life is about the accumulation of "value units". The idea is in What Is Life About? How To Maximize Happiness In Life.

Values are the ingredients of "passion", which may just mean "desire".  Passion is idealized as a means to great accomplishment, but I'm not sure it is as ideal as we wish it to be:  "an all impelling force leading us to greatness in what we do".   For me it is (as you can read on the site) the value I believe I could possibly create for a number of people in having them be much more capable of producing happiness for themselves (happiness is the purpose of life - The Meaning And Purpose Of Life).

Ultimately the "secret" to life is having a superperspective on life (aka wisdom), but that superperspective can be gained at the same time as you are seeking success. Link to The Overview Of How To Achieve Life-Effectiveness And Enduring Happiness.

Do this homework...

So, that's a bit of extra "philosophy", meanwhile, just like you did with the 80/20, you'd go through and read the pieces on passion, purpose, mission, meaning and, of course, values.  Start with My Purpose, My Mission, My Calling - How Do I Find Out What They Are?  As you've undoubtedly read, one cannot reach or effectively seek success without defining it (so you'd have to write yours out, not just read one that is good).  You can't reach success if you do don't know where it is, of course.  Success In Life - How To Achieve It And "Be" It.

Then, or as you read them, you'd do the exercises where you list your values, prioritize them (a la 80/20) and then you'd list out what will have you experience those values (this is what Tony Robbins talks about in his Date With Destiny - read his Awaken The Giant Within). 

Copy, don't reinvent

Who has lived the type of life you'd like to lead?  Copying what has already been "invented" is much superior to trying to reinvent the wheel.  One exercise I did was this: Great Men But Did They Live Great Lives?.

And, of course, and you can even start here, you'd complete the "Ultimate Packet For Finding My Mission/Purpose/Usefulness", linking to it from the My Purpose, My Mission, My Calling page.

Passion must be harvested smartly

However, a person with a passion and no methodology to cause results will not be likely to be successful, so you have to follow the traditional advice about doing what the successful do (and reading their biographies/writings).  Thus your studies would have to include branching out from the Success In Life page.
You will dramatically increase your capabilities and productivity by using this prototype of what a number of people do:  follow the Pre-Set, Super-Committed Schedule For The Day - For An Always Powerful Day!  Not Optional! 

Things to do along the way:

Learning Life From Tony Robbins
Get on the email list plus look at their sites:   Robin Sharma, Brendon Burchard and some of the others on the sidebar in The Resources For Success - A Vital Component - you'd, as you've undoubtedly read, surround yourself with this stuff and dump all that is not of the highest positive impact in your life.


Sending me emails with attachments of what you've written could be useful (I would use them as educational tools about how things evolve over time to be more refined and useful, but, of course, anonymously). 

That's it for right now.  That should be enough to keep you busy (on top, top priority matters).  Asking questions as they come up would, of course, be useful. 

I will be looking forward to seeing your progress!
